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Tanmay Arora (IMT2018078) won a grant of Rs.4 lakhs for his start-up, Breezy. This application allows its users to report garbage in localities around their residences. It also awards them with money in order to encourage the report. There were over 200 applications...

Guest Talk

January 11: “A journey from Computer science to Cognitive science”, by Dr. Vinay Dabholkar from Catalign Innovation Consulting   January 18: “Millimeter Wave Communication Systems for 5G and Beyond Technologies”, by Prof. Amrita Mishra from IIIT Bangalore.  ...


“A Distributed System for Optimal Scale Feature Extraction and Semantic Classification of Large-scale Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds,” in Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, by Satendra Singh (MS2017004) and Prof. Jayasreevalsan Nair was published in the...


ACM CODS COMAD 2021, a premier data science conference in India, was conducted from 2nd-4th January, for which IIIT Bangalore is the host institution. Prof. Jaya Sreevalsan Nair served as local arrangements co-chair, and IIITB students volunteered throughout the...


Prof. S. Sadagopan, Director of IIIT Bangalore was a guest on the Times Techies webinar organized by The Times of India. He enlightened the audience on most modern topics of computer science. His view on pursuing Master’s in computer science in today’s innovative and...