IIITB Newsletter

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Featured story in July 2023

Blossom in Life, the Yogic Way

Amid the chaos of our daily lives, where stress seems omnipresent, we have a powerful tool at our disposal. Yoga, originating from India, offers a path to calm the mind and regain focus. With regular practice, we can bring our minds to the present moment, enhancing...

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Mingalaba Myanmar

In May 2023, I along with three of my colleagues journeyed to Myanmar for a Faculty Development Program (FDP) at Myanmar Institute of Information Technology, (MIIT) Mandalay. The purpose that beckoned us was a Faculty Development Program (FDP) at the prestigious...

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The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in