The Government of India in its Union Budget 2022, announced the National Tele Mental Health Programme of India, “Tele Mental Health Assistance and Networking Across States” or “Tele MANAS”, for implementation under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, with...
Results for Edition :
67th Kannada Rajyotsava Celebrated at IIIT Bangalore
Kannada Rajyotsava (ಕನ್ನಡ ರಾಜ್ಯೋತ್ಸವ), the day observed as the formation of the Karnataka State was celebrated in the IIITB campus for the first time. The joint efforts of the Kannada speaking students and staff made the event enjoyable and memorable for all of us at...
Two Teams from IIITB Enters DP World’s The Big Tech Project Finale
Getting into DP World's The Big Tech Project finals was very hard but two teams from IIIT Bangalore still made the cut! Agrim Jain, Akshat Garg of 4th year iMTech and Pranav Vajreshwari and Shivankar Pilligundla of 3rd year students have entered the final round of The...
Abidha V P Secures Post-Doctoral at HKUST
It was an achievement for Abidha V P when she obtained a postdoctoral position. It is fiercely competitive to secure a post-doctoral fellowship, she knuckled down to get there and successfully secured it at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)....
Nikhila KN Will Work as Research Associate on ‘WP1- Descartes: Intelligent Modeling for Decision-making in Critical Urban Systems’ Project
Ms. Nikhila is looking forward in taking up the Research Associate role for a joint project between the National University of Singapore (NUS) and CNRS France along with other organizations in Singapore and France. For the project, WP1- Descartes: Intelligent Modeling...
Prof. Ashish Choudhury (IIITB) and Prof. Arpita Patra (IISc) authored a book titled ‘Secure Multi-Party Computation Against Passive Adversaries’ published by Springer
Prof. Ashish Choudhury shares his thoughts with Naviiina on authoring a book on Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) in a time when big tech like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have acknowledged the significance of MPC as a promising futuristic privacy-enhancing...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
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