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Awards & Achievements

March 5Aditya Sheth won 1st place in Dolat Capital’s Hackathon 2022 Aditya Sheth (IMT2018003) won 1st place (with a cash prize of INR 10,000/-) in Dolat Capital’s Hackathon 2022.  It was conducted on codechef programming platform and it was open to all in...


March 7: “Computation and plasticity in the brain: Towards remedying the oversimplifications”, by Prof. Rishikesh Narayanan, IISc Bangalore. The session was chaired by Prof. G. Srinivasaraghavan, IIIT Bangalore. March 14: “Compressed Sensing MRI:...


Karishma (PH2018010), Shrisha Rao (2022), “Cooperative Solutions to Exploration Tasks Under Speed and Budget Constraints” was published in the Journal of Simulation. DOI:10.1080/17477778.2022.2043792. Deepti Balaji Raykar and Sridhar. V, “Elicitation...


March 1Sridhar, V. (1 Mar 2022). Reporting cyber attacks. The Hindu.     March 8“Smashing the Stereotypes with Women in Tech” March 10“The bars have been raised”   March 14“Security risks that lurk...


March 9 Manpreet Kaur Jaswal (PH2016006), PhD Scholar supervised by Prof. Subir Kumar Roy and co-supervised by Prof. Subhajit Sen, defended her PhD Open Seminar Examination on 9th March 2022. It covered her area of research in the field of “Non-Intrusive...