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0 0 February 1 Prof. V Sridhar coordinated and presented at the workshop on “6G: Technology, Standards, Regulation and Ethics” at IIIT-Bangalore. February 1-3 Prof. Amit Chattopadhyay gave a Plenary Talk at “International Conference on Mathematics for Data...

Sports Corner

0 0 February 1-4Sports Fest ’ARENA’ The IIIT-Bangalore students showcased remarkable talent and sportsmanship at the “Arena” sports fest held at BITS Hyderabad. In Table Tennis, our team, comprising Nilay Kamat (IMT2021), Siddharth Vikram (IMT2022), Jayesh...

Mathematical Matrix

0 0 Magic Square K SubramaniInternational Institute of Information Technology, BangaloreEmail : A magic square is a special arrangement of numbers in a square grid. It typically uses whole numbers, one in each cell, and has a specific size...

Trendy Spoofs

0 0 Double Standards When our papers get rejected, we cry ‘racism and discrimination’. But when we review papers, we are not behind anyone in applying the same discrimination. What double-standards! View other Trendy Spoofs By: Prof Sujit Kumar...

Trendy Spoofs

1 0 It’s often assumed that all western universities are by-default superior and that Indian education system is by default is steeped in corruption. While it’s can’t be completely devoid of truth, it also is a debilitating bias. It’s more...