September 2023

Mathematical Matrix


On An Interesting Pair of Numbers, 8 and 3, in Mahatma Gandhi’s Life

K Subramani
International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
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Can there be a pair of numbers which are connected in interesting ways with our life and its events? In this short article, Subramani K, discovers a pair of numbers, 8 and 3, in the life of Mahatma Gandhi and some associated events. Given a set of data about one’s life and its events, finding interesting patterns or insights, is a challenging task in general. Such efforts may or may not follow simple laws of logic or mathematics. Here are some such interesting insights. Such results and insights may not hold in general and must be used with utmost care and should never be misused.
In all the following analysis we associate numbers,1 to 26 with English alphabets, A to Z respectively. For example, 1 denotes A or a, 13 denotes M or m and 26 denotes Z or z.

During childhood Gandhiji heard two famous stories.

a) King Satya Harishchandra. Adding numbers associated with the letters we get, 11+9+14+7+19+1+20+25+1+8+1+18+9+19+8+3+8+1+14+4+18+1 = 219 gives 2+1+9 = 12 gives 1+2 = 3.

b) Shravana gives 19+8+18+1+22+1+14+1 = 84 gives 8+4 = 12 gives 1+2 =3.

The name Mahatma Gandhiji :

a) Mahatma gives 13+1+8+1+20+13+1 = 57. Now adding digits of 57 we get 12. Adding digits of 12 we get 3.
b) If we do the same with Ghandhiji, we get 7+1+14+4+8+9+10+9 = 62 which gives 6+2 = 8

Fullname of Gandhiji :

a) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi gives 13+15+8+1+14+4+1+19+11+1+18+1+13+3+8+1+14+4+7+1+14+4+8+9= 192 gives 1+9+2 = 12 and 1+2 = 3.
b) There are 24 letters. 24/3 gives 8.

In one of the reports during Matriculation, Gandhi was rated, Weak in Geography and Bad Handwriting.

a) Geography gives 7+5+15+7+18+1+16+8+25 = 102 gives 3.
b) Bad Handwriting gives 2+1+4+8+1+14+4+23+18+9+20+9+14+7 = 134 gives 1+3+4 = 8.

Gandhiji returned to India from South Africa in 1915 after spending 21 years in South Africa.

a) Date of return, 09-01-1915 which gives 0+9+0+1+1+9+1+5 = 26. 26 gives 2+6 = 8
b) Spent years 21 gives 2+1 =3
Gandhi’s date of birth (DOB) : 02/10/1869 and date of death (DOD) is 30/01/1948

Adding DOB and DOD we get, 02101869 + 30011948 = 32113817.

a) 3211+3817 =7028 gives 7+2+8 = 17 gives 8
b) 3817-3211 = 0606 gives 6+6 = 12 leading to 1+2 = 3

Subtracting DOB from DOD we get 30011948 -02101869 = 27910079

a) 2791+0079 = 2870 gives 2+8+7 = 17 gives 8
b) 2791-0079 = 2712 gives 2+7+1+2 =12 gives 3.

In 1915, Gandhiji went to Shantiniketan and said, “Namaste Gurudev”. Tagore replied, “if I am Gurudev, you are Mahatma”.

a) Namaste Gurudev gives 14+1+13+1+19+20+8+5+7+21+18+21+4+5+22 = 179 gives 1+7+9 = 17 leads to 8.
b) Mahatma gives 13+1+8+1+20+13+1 = 57 gives 5+7 = 12 gives 1+2 = 3.

On 30th January 1948, Ghodse used the semi-automatic pistol with name BERETTAM 1934.

a) Berettam gives 2+5+18+5+20+20+1+13 = 84 gives 8+4 = 12 gives 1+2 = 3.
b) 1934 gives 1+9+3+4 = 17 gives 1+7 = 8
c) Age of Ghodse was 38. It has 3 & 8.
d) First and last digit of Date of Death (30-01-1948) are 3 and 8.
e) Gandhi was shot in the evening at 17:12 hours. 17 gives 8 and 12 gives 3


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