Student-Faculty join to bring ‘Technology,Together’
Isn’t it easy and fun to learn subjects while you are on the go? The students and faculty of IITB certainly think so and as a first step, they have started a new podcast series, ‘Technology, Together’. The series offers valuable insights on how technology can be made more inclusive and equitable.
It is a bimonthly podcast series developed by a group of students under the guidance of Prof. Bidisha Chaudhari, Coordinator, MSc Digital Society. Tejas Kotha, iMTech, Final year student heads this initiative along with Srravya C, Research Assistant in MINRO, Alumnus of MSc Digital Society Program and Swati Ganeshan , Research Assistant in MINRO.
It is proven that educational experiences that are active, engaging and student-owned lead to a deeper learning. IIIT Bangalore has always stood by this dictum and enabled latest learning experiences.
‘Technology, Together’ dives headfirst into the complex world of technology. This series covers the entire gamut of assistive technologies, 5G, or digital privacy. The series features the collective expertise of engineers, social scientists, policy experts and the entrepreneurs of IIIT Bangalore’s community.
Win-win Situation for Students and Faculty
“The podcast series allow iMTech students to explore areas of socio-technical research in addition to Artificial Learning/Machine Learning/Blockchain. It helps to understand technologies in a broader perspective of solving real world problems. Students can broaden their perspective from very early stages of their academics,” says Tejas Kotha.
Technology, Together in a nutshell
- Gives an edge to showcase the work of students, researchers and professors
- More interactive format compared to the usual classroom setup.
- Helps to popularize the qualitative work of IIIT Bangalore to the larger audience
- Gives access to tech-enabled learning tools and pre-recorded lectures
- Allows faculty members to focus on key mentoring and brainstorming aspects of teaching
Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyTechTogether
Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/AppleTechTogether
Google Podcasts: http://bit.ly/GoogleTechTogether
RSS: http://bit.ly/RSSTechTogether