June 2023

IIITB’s Strong Support Fosters Soham’s Research Interest


Soham Joshi is an iMTech graduate (Class of 2023) at IIIT Bangalore in Computer Science Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML). Soham was selected for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Regionals at the Asia-Amritapuri site in 2021. He is also on the Dean’s Merit List of the university. He is a trained football player and has represented the school and university at district-level tournaments.

Soham recounts his five years of experience at IIITB with Naviiina. “For me, the education at IIIT Bangalore was top-notch in every possible way. The courses, projects, and electives we had were on point and helped us grow academically. But that’s not all! The conferences, cultural fests, sports events, and all the other fun stuff played a huge role in shaping who we are as individuals. The professors and TAs were legit. They taught us some seriously valuable problem-solving skills that I know will come in handy down the road. Moreover, the internships provided me with opportunities to work on real-world problems and gain practical experience with the latest technologies.” “Overall, the experience at IIIT Bangalore was incredibly rewarding and has contributed significantly to my personal growth. I firmly believe that it has laid a solid foundation for my future career,” he adds.

IIITB laid a strong foundation right from the beginning. The institute’s curriculum is on point. They really know what’s up in the industry. We get to work on real-world projects during our courses, which helps us understand the theory and get some practical skills. The professors offer courses at different levels, so we can dive deep into our passions and explore different areas. Personally, I went for the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning specialization. It’s no joke, bro. They give you a complete package in that field. And here’s the best part: the coursework is all up-to-date and relevant. It sets us up for killer research opportunities and internships, whether in academia or the real world., they’ve got us covered.


Securing the first job placement and internships are vital milestones for an engineering graduate. Soham says that IIITB provides extensive support in terms of internships, job placements, and networking opportunities. The institute has a dedicated committee responsible for overseeing summer internships and full-time placements. This committee actively invites various companies to participate in placement drives, ensuring a wide range of career options for students. Furthermore, IIITB facilitates connections between students and alumni, enabling mentorship during the placement process. This mentorship plays a crucial role as experienced alumni provide guidance on placement preparation, conduct resume-building sessions, and address any queries students have. The institute recognizes the significance of alumni support in helping students navigate their career paths successfully.

Inclusive learning environment

“The institution takes active measures to encourage diversity and inclusivity within its educational setting. The institute proactively strives to ensure that students from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives feel welcomed, respected, and included in the learning community. An illustrative example of this commitment is the institute’s equal and enthusiastic celebration of all Indian festivals, showcasing its dedication to embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity. Additionally, the institute also organizes various awareness programs to promote a diverse and inclusive learning environment,” adds, Soham.

IIITB is a big advocate for students pursuing research, and when discussing Soham’s research focus and the support he received from the institute, he mentions, “My research interests lie in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, specifically Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Graph Neural Networks. Throughout my third and fourth years, I made the most of diverse Project and Research Electives to gain deeper insights into these fields. After pinpointing a specific interest, I sought the opportunity to work closely with professors who were actively engaged in those topics. Additionally, the institute encouraged collaborations with esteemed institutions like IISc, Bangalore, further enhancing my research experience. Overall, the support and mentorship from the professors at the institute played a pivotal role in nurturing my passion and ultimately enabling me to achieve research publications”.


The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in

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