June 2023

Heet Vasani Secures 2nd Place and $600 Prize in Global DComm VALHALLA Hackathon


Heet Vasani emerges victorious in the DComm VALHALLA hackathon, securing the prestigious 2nd place and earning a well-deserved prize of $600! This global hackathon witnessed the participation of over 250 teams consisting of 1 to 4 members each. Remarkably, Heet achieved this remarkable feat as a solo participant, proving his exceptional skills and determination.

The hackathon was conducted online mode on the Hack2Skill platform by a web3-based company, DComm in Newzealand. This hackathon had basically 2 tracks THOR and LOKI. Heet emerged as the winner of LOKI Track and thus secured the 2nd place. The Loki Track was for those who have an app/idea and want to integrate blockchain into it, and for the non-blockchain developers who want to get familiar with the technology.

Much elated, Heet says, “This was the first international hackathon in which I participated alone and won, so yes I am very happy about that and looking further for more such hackathons in the future and winning them.” According to Heet, IIITB contributed to his success in a big way, “IIITB, my alma mater, has played a significant role in shaping my success in the recent blockchain Hackathon. The education and support I received during my time at IIITB have been instrumental in honing my skills and knowledge, enabling me to excel in such a competitive event. The strong foundation in computer science and the comprehensive curriculum of my course exposed me to various programming languages, algorithms, and data structures, which laid the groundwork for my technical expertise. The theoretical understanding and practical experience gained through coursework and projects gave me the necessary skills to tackle complex problems effectively. Also, IIITB fostered an environment that encouraged innovation and entrepreneurship. The institute emphasized practical learning through numerous hackathons, coding competitions, and industry collaborations. Such an environment motivated me to explore emerging technologies like blockchain and delve deeper into its potential applications. Overall, IIITB’s holistic education approach, emphasis on practical learning, exceptional faculty, and supportive community have all contributed significantly to my success in the blockchain Hackathon. I am grateful for the opportunities and knowledge I gained from the institute, which have empowered me to achieve my goals and excel in such global competitions,” he adds.


The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in

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