IIIT Bangalore received the Silver Jubilee Icon Award at the Bengaluru Tech Summit, 2022. The award recognized IIIT Bangalore for its contribution to the journey of Karnataka State and for playing a crucial role in the development of technology, research, policy and...
Results for Edition :
IIITB in BTS 2022 Complemented the Theme ‘Tech4NexGen’
Like previous years, this year's Bengaluru Tech Summit (BTS) was a fulfilling, enriching, and inspiring event. The event was organised by the Government of Karnataka, Karnataka Innovation and Technology Society (KITS), Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), Vision...
‘Walk of Life’ Developed by IIITB Students Wins Second Place in DP World Hackathon
It was an ecstatic moment when the team, Kamikazee was announced as the runner-up in the Big Tech Project hackathon organized by Dubai-based DP World. The team, Kamikazee consisted fourth year iMTech students, Akshat Garg and Agrim Jain. ‘Walk of Life’ is a solution...
Umang 2022-Intercollegeate Sports Meet at IIITB
Building a sense of cohesion among students can happen through events. Sports, in particular is one of the best ways to bring students from different colleges together, and form bonds with people they may have never considered before. Sports events can play a major...
5G Embarking on a Connected Future
5G network ushers in a new era of digital solutions for India, use of this technology provides a seamless coverage, high data rate, low latency and highly reliable communications system. One of the common myths about 5G is that this new generation network uses more...
Military Resilience of IIITB’s Security Officer
What are the first thoughts that cross your mind when you think of a military officer? Based on your thinking ability, your answers might be in the spectrum of extremely courageous to ruthlessly resilient. True, but the duty of military personnel is such that the...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in