The stage of IIIT Bangalore was set for a proud moment when Prof. Subhasis Chaudhuri, Director, IIT Bombay was awarded ACCS-CDAC Foundation Award from none other than his own teacher and mentor, Prof. Biswanath Chatterji in the august presence of luminaries from...
Results for Edition :
IIIT Bangalore was one of the Partner Institutions at “AI in Fashion & Design Conference”
AIFaD conference was held on April 4th and 5th 2022 at the Bangalore International Center. The 2-day AIfaD conference hosted prominent personalities from tech and fashion sectors who delivered keynote sessions on the heritage of textile art forms, innovations by AI to...
Transitioning to the offline realm
It is 2022 and the pandemic is still relevant... However, things are slowly looking up. As we gradually mend to the pre-Covid-19 standard of living, educational institutions are leveling up for students in the hope of resuming in-person classes. With that being said,...
Research and “Intellectual Property Rights”
With the increasing focus on innovation and research, there is an important need to learn about intellectual property rights (IPRs) to safeguard their inventions. Without the protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their...
Nikhil Agarwal wins a trip to Paris in AI Fashion & Design Hackathon
Nikhil Agarwal, a 3rd-year iMTech student had plans to visit a place this summer but little did he knew that his participation in a hackathon would win him a trip to Paris! Yes, Nikhil will be traveling to Aivancity in Paris to attend a 15-day summer school. Seemingly...
IIIT Bangalore was dazzled with Infin8
Infin8 is IIIT Bangalore's college annual fest the event that students eagerly wait for. Apart from the fun, frolic and platform that it offers to students to exhibit their talents. Infin8 was entirely organised by the student community (involving participants from...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
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