April 2023

I’m a Cyborg..


I can’t feel the buzz in my pocket,

My gully cricket friend isn’t online.

And here, I am, Oh! What I have become,

I’m a Cyborg,

Finding my frequency;

Reeling through present,

Yet admiring potential ecstasy.


The binaries have found its way to the digital,

Between the zero’s and the one’s, I stand,

I’m but a Cyborg,

Glorifying mediocrity;

Negotiating time and space,

Flirting with normative boundaries.


ChatGPT outpaced my articulation,

DALL-E breached the horizon of imagination,

I’m a Cyborg in this Metaverse,

Towards virtual reality, I transcend;

Away from real virtuality around me.


Notion of pristine is history,

And the hybrid existence is non-fiction,

I’m a Cyborg, between the pages of the books,

Towards decoloniality and neoliberalism,

And conforming past literature.


The machine is learning –

What the dominant is teaching

Artificial cognition

Seducing human intellect,

Feeding capitalism and triggering Marxism,

But I’m a Cyborg,

Finding sociotechnical meaning –

From human psyche

To that button on the landing page.


There was a time when I was naïve

And tech ‘innocent’,

With mass elite and youth ignorant,

I’m a Cyborg from my tier-3 hometown,

Living the metropolis,

Losing the technology of the ‘touch’.


I’m googling my inner voice note,

Through reflection,

That one true emoji that I am,

I’m a Cyborg in this algorithmic simulation,

Yet trying to be humane

Through the school of Kaizen.

By ~ kabiir (Kartik Joshi)

Kartik Joshi (MS2021009)

Kartik Josh is an MS by Research student working with Prof. Preeti Mudliar. His thesis explores the adoption of different digital platforms for online commerce purposes by sellers and buyers. This poetry is my attempt to write about his evolving understanding of and relation to technology.

Kartik is privileged to study at IIITB and grateful for all the conversations that he has had with people at the institute who have shaped his perception of the role of technology in society.