May 2024

Welcome aboard


Prof. Sakshi Arora
Assistant Professor

In the dynamic world of academia, finding individuals truly passionate about teaching and research can be a rarity. Yet, nestled within the corridors of IIIT-Bangalore, one such gem shines bright – Prof. Sakshi Arora. With a fervor for education that spans decades, Prof. Sakshi’s journey to IIIT-B is as intriguing as her passion for teaching.

When asked about her motivation for pursuing a career in academia, Prof. Sakshi reflects, “That’s a very good question. So, twofold answer. The first one is what brings me to teaching and the second one is why IIIT-B.” From a young age, the calling to teach resonated deep within her. “I wanted to be a teacher since I can remember as a child,” she shares, highlighting the innate desire that shaped her career path.

“Even though I worked in industry for 8 years, teaching was my true calling,” she affirms. So, why IIIT-Bangalore? Prof. Sakshi’s journey to the institute began as a professor, where she found herself captivated by the institution’s ethos. “I loved the place for quite a few reasons,” she explains. “First is the calm and small campus, and second, the non-bureaucratic nature of the faculty,” she adds, emphasizing the inclusive and open atmosphere that drew her in.

Beyond her role as an educator, Prof. Sakshi’s passion extends to health coaching, a hobby she ardently pursues outside the classroom. “Health coaching is guiding more of technique,” she explains, shedding light on her endeavors to promote mental, emotional and behavioral well-being among individuals, particularly those in the tech industry.

As for her academic domain, Prof. Sakshi specializes in Analog VLSI and power management IC design, leveraging her expertise to delve into research aimed at enhancing efficiency and reducing power consumption in integrated circuits. Looking ahead, Prof. Sakshi envisions a future where open-source approaches revolutionize IC design, fostering collaboration and innovation within the field.

With a supportive family by her side, including her husband and two young children, Prof. Sakshi finds fulfillment in balancing her professional and personal endeavors. As she navigates the joys and challenges of academia, one thing remains certain – her unwavering commitment to the art of teaching and the pursuit of knowledge.


The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

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