February 1 Workshop on Social Media Accessibility The Centre for Accessibility in the Global South (CAGS) at IIIT-Bangalore organised a workshop on Social Media Accessibility on February 1. It was a part of Saksham's campaign that sought to raise awareness on what...
Results for Edition :
Prof Janaki Srinivasan, Prof V Sridhar & Prof TK Srikanth received a Project Grant from UC Berkeley The project titled "“My data or yours?” Unraveling multi‐party privacy among consumers of digital credit in India", with Prof Janaki Srinivasn as PI, and Profs V...
Sports Corner
February 15-17IIITB Students in Vignan Mahotsav National level Youth FestivalIIIT Bangalore students accompanied by Dr. Neha Arora, Sports Officer, participated in Vignan Mahotsav (National level Youth Festival) held during February 15-17 in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and...
Samvaad Talk
February 6 Samvaad Talk by Prof. Ingrid Schneider, Professor for Political Science, University of Hamburg. Prof. Ingrid Schneider, Professor for Political Science, University of Hamburg delivered a talk on ‘India’s perspective on large digital platforms and data...
People on IIITB Visit
February 9Marvell India Several senior managers from Marvell India visited IIIT Bangalore on February 9 to interact with the VLSI faculty members, ECE students and the placement team. The focus of the meeting was to mutually share areas of expertise, explore possible...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in