IIITB Newsletter

Results for Edition : 

July 2022

Hardy-Ramanujan’s Number 1729

“An equation for me has no meaning unless it represents thought of God”, he once said. Ramanujan made the integer number 1729 famous with the revelation that it was the smallest number that could be expressed as a sum of two cubes in two different ways! So what...

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Bidding Goodbye to Graduating Students

A farewell by juniors is an expression of good wishes to graduating students who are leaving the institution to pursue their dream careers. A farewell was organised by IIIT Bangalore's junior students in a bid to say goodbye and good luck to the graduating students....

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The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in