August 2022

Mathematical Matrix


Mr. Subramani K, one of the staff members of IIIT Bangalore is truly a mathematician and someone with extensive knowledge of mathematics. What amazes anyone is his exactitude with numbers and mathematical concepts. He enjoys working long hours on numbers to discover new properties. He has developed efficient and fast table lookup methods for some arithmetic operations involving large numbers from left to right for addition, subtraction, and multiplication and from right to left for dividing numbers.

His contribution to this edition of Naviiina, ‘Operation always leading to Perfect Quotient for any number’ 


  1. Take any number of multiple digits (A)
  2. Arrange the digits of A in ascending order and multiply the new number by A and obtain a number as B
  3. Arrange the digits of A in descending order and multiply the new number by A and obtain a number as C
  4. Get B multiplied by C and obtain D
  5. Finally, divide D by A (original number). This will always be a perfect quotient with Zero remainder
  6. The above steps are valid for all the numbers having any number of digits.

Examples for 4-digit and 10-digit number are shown.

For more details, contact Mr. Subramani K at