October 2023



September 6
Prof. Dinesh Babu Jayagopi was Honored with National Teachers Award 2023 by the Ministry of Education

Dr. Dinesh Babu, Associate Professor, has received the prestigious National Teachers Award 2023 from the Ministry of Education. The award was given by the President of India to 13 Professors from Higher Education Institutes across the country. Fifty school teachers also received the award. The honor includes a silver medal, certificate and a cash prize. The Prime Minister of India,

Shri Narendra Modi interacted with the awardees and motivated them. The Education minister hosted a dinner for all the awardees.

September 12-15
IIIT-Bangalore Students Shine in IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter’s Innovative Hackathon

The IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter conducted “Hack-the-Metaverse,” a groundbreaking Metaverse hackathon hosted at IIIT-Bangalore from September 12 to 15.

Team Kamikazee, comprised of our iMTech students, Akshat Garg and Agrim Jain, secured the second prize at the Hack the Metaverse hackathon organized by IEEE Computer Society Bangalore, their exceptional achievement earned them a cash prize of 30K rupees.

Their remarkable project entailed the creation of a captivating virtual reality (VR) experience, allowing users to pilot a helicopter. The VR setup incorporated a digital dashboard for precise control input and a directional indicator to guide the pilot towards the designated helipad for landing.

The team MindShift (iMTech students-Divyansh Singhal, Kushal Partani, and Trupti Khodwe) secured the consolation prize at the Hack the Metaverse hackathon that earned them a cash reward of Rs. 10,000.

Their innovative project revolved around the development of an Interactive VR Platform, tailored for immersive learning and addressing the challenges of Dyslexia. This cutting-edge platform boasts a range of features, including color coding assistance, which proves invaluable in helping individuals differentiate between similar alphabets, thus facilitating the learning process.

The team VisionVoyagers comprising iMTech students, Chinmay Sultania, Pranav Bhutada, and Dyuthi Vivek  too secured the consolation prize and a cash reward of  Rs. 10,000.

Their impressive project centered around the creation of a Metaverse platform aimed at delivering an immersive experience of historical events by employing virtual AI historical figures.  They built a metaverse platform on Unity where one can interact with AI-generated avatars of prominent historical figures of a historical event. The avatars provide an immersive experience of the event and guide us through the historical place using gamified elements.

September 15

IIIT-Bangalore Conferred ‘Green University Award 2023’ at NYC Green School Conference

IIIT Bangalore proudly accepted the esteemed ‘Green University Award 2023’ at the 7th NYC Green School Conference held in New York on September 15, 2023. Mr. Udaya Hegde, a Governing Body Member and Alumni of IIIT-Bangalore, graciously received the award on behalf of the entire IIIT-Bangalore campus community.

IIIT-Bangalore’s outstanding commitment to cultivating a green and sustainable campus environment shone brightly amid the vibrant atmosphere of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The institution’s proactive measures to combat “3W” pollutions (weather, water, waste) and champion eco-conscious practices have set a global standard for educational institutions.

Balaji Parthasarathy and Janaki Srinivasan have been awarded a research grant by the Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne, to study Work from anywhere: Accessing Indian tech talent. The research will investigate work from anywhere options for firms seeking to source, retain, and manage talent from an increasingly competitive global STEM (science, technology, engineering, management) talent pool. While the skills shortage in STEM is a global issue, the research will focus on accessing skills from India, and the role that governments and firms should play in facilitating this mode of work.


The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

For more details: Visit www.iiitb.ac.in

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