February 2
New Labs in Second Floor, Ramanujan Block was inaugurated by Prof. S Sadagopan, Director of IIIT Bangalore in the presence of the faculty, students and the staff.

February 3
High Tea was hosted on February 03 at Aryabhata foyer to bid farewell to Mr. D V Jagadish who retired from his position as a CEO of Outreach, IIIT Bangalore on January 31.
February 4
There was a virtual reunion of alumni to mark the 20th anniversary of first IIIT Bangalore graduation. The Director, Prof. S Sadagopan and his wife, Mrs. Chandra Sadagopan also participated in the reunion. Alumni from 2005, 2010 and 2015 reminisced their memorable time at IIIT Bangalore.

February 11
Shri Gopal Arya, National Convenor of RSS Paryavaran Vibhag & and Central Office Secretary, RSS visited the campus.
February 19 & 20
Web Science for Development 2021 (WS4D)
The Web Science for Development (WS4D 2021) workshop was held from February 19-20. This was the third annual workshop conducted as a part of the web science research initiative at IIIT Bangalore.
Day 1 of the third Web Science for Development (WS4D) workshop started with the ‘Brave Conversations 2021’ conference. The virtual event drew continuity from the conversations held in 2020 and discussed the underlying impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the consequent digitalization of the world and how the ‘new world’ is developing with time. Day 2 involved a multitude of workshops and panel discussions conducted by IIIT Bangalore’s Web Science Lab.
‘Brave Conversations’ inaugurated by Prof. S. Sadagopan, Director, IIIT Bangalore, had Ms. Anni Rowland-Campbell, philanthropist and Web Science practitioner, Web Science Trust, as the Lead Guide, Professor Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor – Computer Science, University of Southampton (returning to the conference for the second time), and Senapathy ‘Kris’ Gopalakrishnan, Chairman – Axilor Ventures and former CEO – Infosys, as guest speakers, with Prof. Srinath Srinivasa from IIIT Banglore hosting the event. Each conversation was followed by an interactive Q&A session that proved to be thought provoking.

February 26
Medical Camp
IIIT Bangalore organized a free medical camp at the building, Bhaskara for its campus community including students, faculty and staff members. A medical team from Kauvery Hospital visited and carried out basic health check-ups that comprised blood pressure, random blood sugar, oxygen level, height, weight ECG and provided consultation, as well. The doctors advised on ways to stay fit and healthy.