Ankrutee Arora cried out of joy when she was awarded CGI scholarship which will take care part of her educational expenses at IIIT Bangalore. The untimely demise of her father has left her family crippled to make ends meet. “Receiving the CGI scholarship from IIITB...
Results for Edition :
IIITB’s Faculty help Staff Members to Publish Research Papers
Publishing research papers is considered highly competitive, and publishing in a high-quality journal requires you to compete with researchers. Professors at IIIT Bangalore are ready lend their helping hands to mentor not only for students but staff members too. With...
Research & Innovation Horizons expanded at IIITB-Mphasis RISE 2023
The two-day knowledge-packed event IIITB-Mphasis RISE 2023 successfully stimulated the scientific outlook amongst students and other visitors who visited in hundreds from various colleges, corporates and the general public. The event provided a platform for experts to...
Revel in the different flavors of the cultural fest – Infin8 2023
Infin8 2023 was IIIT Bangalore’s most extravagant cultural fest of the year. It was three days of fun and competitions with the sole goal of providing entertainment for all. The event was split into intra-college events on Day 1 and inter-college events on Day 2 &...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
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