Besides giving a dreary and mind-numbing look, nothing could have been more special about the cement drainage pipes lying in the backyard of the campus. It was Mr. Arunagiri M, Facility Manager upon a suggestion from our Registrar, commodore S R Sridhar (Retd.), who...
Results for Edition :
Rainwater Harvesting Initiative at IIIT Bangalore
Being a Green Campus, water conservation is taken seriously at IIIT Bangalore. Water conservation is implemented on different levels in the college from rainwater harvesting, and tree plantation to maintaining the underground water levels to recycling the water for...
Prof. G R Sinha edited 2 Books, authored 1 Poetry book and Published 3 Book Chapters during May-July 202
Prof. G R Sinha's work on books speaks about his passion for writing and editing. He has more than 250 research papers, edited books, and books to his credit. He is Associate Editor and Editorial member of 5 SCI/Scopus-indexed journals and in his research areas. He...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
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