August 2024

IIIT-B’s Department Heads Charting a Course for Success


Leadership in academic departments plays a crucial role in shaping the direction and success of educational institutions. Department heads are not just administrators; they are visionaries who set academic priorities, encourage research and create an environment conducive to learning and innovation. Their leadership influences curriculum development, faculty performance, student engagement and the overall reputation of the institution.

At IIIT-Bangalore, the selection of the heads of departments mark a significant moment as the institution looks to build on its legacy of excellence. The newly elected leaders bring fresh perspectives and a renewed sense of purpose, poised to guide their departments through the challenges and opportunities of the coming years. This transition in leadership is not only a reflection of the evolving needs of the academic community but also an indication of the institute’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological and educational advancements.

The purpose of this feature in Naviiina is to explore the vision, goals and strategies of the newly elected heads of departments at IIIT-Bangalore. By delving into their strategic goals and initiatives, the article aims to provide insight into how these leaders plan to shape the future of their departments and contribute to the institute’s continued excellence.

The current academic landscape at IIIT-Bangalore is marked by rapid technological advancements and increasing demands for interdisciplinary research and industry collaboration. In this dynamic environment, department-level leadership is crucial for steering academic programs, encouraging innovation and maintaining the institution’s competitive edge. Effective leadership at the departmental level ensures that IIIT-Bangalore not only meets these challenges but also excels in producing top-tier research and preparing students for successful careers.

IIIT-B’s New Department Heads Have What It Takes

The selection of each Head of Department was a deliberate process, ensuring that those with deep expertise in their respective fields were chosen. Their appointments are not just a reflection of their academic and professional accomplishments but also of the extensive experience they bring to their roles, making them uniquely qualified to lead and inspire within their domains.

Prof. Meenakshi D’Souza, the newly appointed Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at IIIT-Bangalore, was selected for her extensive teaching expertise in Software Testing, Automata Theory and Computability, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory and Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Her popular Software Testing course, offered on the NPTEL and Swayam platforms since 2017, has attracted over 57,000 learners.


Prof. Madhav Rao, the newly appointed Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), has an expertise in evolutionary algorithms for standard cell synthesis, approximate computing VLSI circuit design and hardware-efficient AI designs.

Prof. Dinesh Babu Jayagopi brings a wealth of expertise in Audio-Visual Signal Processing, Applied Machine Learning, Machine Perception, Social Computing, Human-Robot Interaction and Multimedia Analysis to his role as the Head of the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI).

Prof. Amit Prakash’s focus on Information Systems and Public Policy, particularly in development sectors like public health, education, skill development and food security, drives his research into equity and inclusion in technology design and policy choices. He now leads the Department of Digital Humanities and Societal Systems (DHSS).

Vision Aligning with Broader Goals of IIIT-Bangalore


Enhance academic achievements, placements and extracurriculars by leveraging its large student base.

-Faculty focus on key areas like Cryptography, Distributed Computing, and Algorithms to build a strong research record.

-Pursue sponsored and consultancy projects to bolster research efforts.


Become a globally recognized hub for ECE driving innovation, research, and education to shape future hardware technology.

-Encourage a collaborative, multidisciplinary learning environment that enhances creativity, critical thinking, and technical expertise.


-To establish the department as a top 5 in the country with international recognition.

-Focus on attracting top-notch faculty, students, and scholars, fostering a highly productive environment.

-Prioritize a “students-first, teaching-first” culture, alongside strong academic and research branding.


-To pioneer the integration of computing with social sciences and other disciplines to foster an ethical and sustainable digital ecosystem.

– Academic offerings will combine classical and emerging frameworks in digital humanities, blending arts, humanities, social sciences, and computing.

– Courses will address new technological trends in AI/ML and technology systems like Digital Public Infrastructure to advance human development outcomes.


Navigating the Challenges

Taking on the role of Head of Department is far from a simple task; it presents its own set of challenges, particularly in the initial stages. However, the professors stepping into these leadership positions bring with them a wealth of professional experience, making them well-prepared to navigate these challenges effectively. Their deep understanding of both academic and administrative responsibilities equips them to lead their departments with confidence and vision.

The Information Technology field has expanded into numerous areas, with AI, ML, and Data Science currently being prominent. Prof. Dinesh acknowledges that leading the newly established DSAI role will be challenging. He says, “This is the first time such a role has been created, it will involve extensive negotiations and discussions to define the responsibilities of Heads of Departments (HoDs) at IIITB. To address this, HoDs have begun proactive discussions and long-term planning, while continually engaging with Deans and the Director to ensure alignment. The goal is to foster collaboration and present a unified interface to both students and faculty.”

CSE department has the largest strength of students and we hope to utilize this big asset and enable our students to flourish in terms of academics, placements and extracurricular activities. On the research front, many of the CSE faculty are working on core areas in Computer Science including Cryptography, Secure distributed computing, Algorithms, Software Engineering, Formal Methods etc. and the department strives to establish a strong record of results and publications in the near future in all these areas. The main challenge in the new role will be to steer the new department to achieve its goals and cater to a large body of students, both UG and PG programs, while also striving to strengthen our research degree programs and the overall research output. Says, Prof. Meenakshi, “More than two decades of career experience and her leadership of ACM, the world’s largest group of computing professionals will help Prof. Meenakshi in her new role to steer the new department to achieve its goals and cater to a large body of students, both UG and PG programs, while also striving to strengthen our research degree programs and the overall research output.”

Through its academic offerings, aligned with the spirit of interdisciplinary that the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 embodies, the Department of DHSS will strive to become a pioneer in seamlessly blending computing with social sciences and other relevant disciplines to train the next generation of professionals who will contribute to an ethical, responsible and sustainable digital ecosystem in India and the Global South. Prof. Amit, says, “The courses and programmes to be offered by the department will engage with classical and emerging conceptual frameworks in the broad area of digital humanities (which, as mentioned above, is now being positioned as an interdisciplinary field of scholarly study cutting across the arts, humanities, social sciences and computing) to gain a holistic understanding of new technological trends in AI/ML/LLMs etc. as well as technology systems that seek to further human development outcomes, such as the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) that is coming up across governance domains.”

Due to the growing semiconductor and VLSI design push at national level, there will be a sudden rising demand of not only ECE engineers from our industry fraternity, but also expecting the students to be equipped with rapidly changing technology. Academia has always shown organic growth and adaptability for the change in technology and possibly the same will follow. Prof. Madhav adds, “Fortunately, most of the ECE faculty are working with the industry on collaborative projects. These on-going industry projects in relatable modules will be offered to our students, which will benefit them for constantly upgrading their skills.  Additionally, I seek to offer more industry interaction with the students and faculty as the part of the individual courses and outside. Most of the ECE faculty at IIITB has industry working experience and this gives the department an edge to overcome this challenge.”

New Leaders Push Boundaries

While the newly appointed Heads of Departments acknowledge the challenges that come with their roles, they are enthusiastic and determined to elevate their respective departments to new heights. Each leader brings a unique vision for the future, aimed at driving growth, innovation and excellence.


The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.

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