As the crisp November air ushered in a slight dip in temperature, the rustling leaves and cool breeze announced the arrival of winter and the festive season's warm embrace. The month of November at IIIT-Bangalore was a symphony of celebrations, achievements, and...
Results for Edition :
Clap & Celebrate
IIIT-B makes their mark at Cobalt Skies Congratulations to Impulse-the dance club of IIIT-B for winning Step Up Grooves-the Western Group Dance competition at Cobalt Skies 2024 organized by Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute. Congratulations to Symphony...
The Campus Buzzstop
November 2Deepavali celebrations light up IIIT-B The IIIT-B family united to celebrate Deepavali in full festive spirit. The campus was beautifully adorned with vibrant rangolis and glowing diyas, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A special puja was conducted...
People on IIIT-B Visit
November 19Delegation from Denmark visited IIIT-Bangalore. November 21European delegation visited IIIT-B campus.
Samvaad Talks
November 4 “An Empirical Analysis of Prices of Radio Spectrum for Mobile Communication Services” by Prof. V Sridhar, IIIT-Bangalore. November 11 “3D Vision: Problems and Possibilities” by Prof. Vishwanath Gopalakrishnan, IIIT-Bangalore. November 18 “Sir M Visvesvaraya...
November 30Prof. Srinath Srinivasa delivers keynote on Responsible Autonomous AI at IDPS 2024 Prof. Srinath Srinivasa, Dean (R&D) at IIIT-Bangalore, delivered an insightful keynote on "Responsible Autonomous AI" at the Indian Data Protection Symposium (IDPS 2024),...

The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore is a technical and research university in Bangalore, India. The Institute is a registered not-for-profit society funded jointly by the Government of Karnataka and the IT industry under a public-private partnership model.
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